AnKing is also regularly updated and the r/medicalschoolanki will keep you abreast of any general new Step 1 Anki deck. However, I’d say that in a competition of Zanki vs Lightyear, Lightyear loses as it doesn’t often put any text in its extras section, unlike Zanki, and, by extension AnKing. If you prefer open format cards instead of the cloze format (fill in the blank), then you’ll like Lightyear. Most cards also have screenshots of the associated FA2018 or BAB section or helpful diagrams and figures. Plus, it uses hierarchical tags to organize each of the over four hundred videos. Lightyear is a very comprehensive deck with Boards and Beyond as its main source.
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See Also All You Need to Know About Choosing the Best Pendulum Board Medical CV: Template & How to Write (+25 Expert Tips) 10 Top Entry-level Jobs for Biology Majors MIT Admission Transfer And Acceptance Rate | Tuition Fees. It’s not easy studying but I bet you didn’t expect med school to be easy. This deck has been used often and is tried and tested by those scoring highly in Step 1. This deck has a lot of notes, but, let’s face it, Step 1 is an eight-hour exam! You’re going to have to cover a lot of material and there are multiple Reddit threads, YouTube videos, blogs, and the like, including AnKing’s own website AnkiHub that will allow for collaboration in editing and updating for their newest version.
#Download anki usmle update
AnKing is also updating and allowing users to update cards based on new info from First Aid 2021.

Sources: For every source listed, visit the original Reddit post for the Zanki deck, which is heavily based on FA2016 and FA2017, but the AnKing overhaul combines the best parts of the Lolnotacop and Zanki decks with images from the Pepper micro/antimicrobial and UltraZanki decks.AnKing Deck (Zanki) V10 Best for general prep for USMLE Step 1 Let’s dive into the wide world of Anki decks for Step 1.